I got my head down a few months ago and built a stock audio catalogue of voice over and vocal sound effects for clients... seemed like a good idea at the time. Originally, it was meant to be for purchase 'off-the-shelf' at roskolewisbritishvoiceover.co.uk. But now I've decided I'm giving it away... Think categorised phrases, words and lines that could be slotted into various multimedia by producers, developers and designers.

You might be an LMS or learning and development designer, game developer or be working on something that could do with some audio signage - maybe for an interactive user interface; an online eLearning course in need of some vocal prompts; audible loudspeaker warning systems and emergency communication systems, IVR and phone systems; a reversing truck or simply a game that needs a "game over" when your opponent chops your legs off..!
Well, there isn't a lot of it out there and as far as I can see, no off-the-shelf packs by the same voice over artist for continuity.
As someone with a background in marketing and design who frequently sources stock multimedia and stock audio, I'm pretty well poised to recognise the frustrations - short of hiring someone outright, for the sake of a handful of phrases, frequently you have to turn to stock audio sites like Pond5, iStock, Audioblocks or Freesound and gather a mish mash of vocal sound effects and phrases by different voice over artists, on different equipment, recording at different levels with or without post production. More often via a hefty subscription as opposed to one-off purchases.
Well, I hope to provide something of a solution to this with a series of completely free downloadable audio vocal packs filled with individual high quality WAV files including:
eLearning Vocal Pack - Including phrases like "Hello and welcome to the course" "Here is an overview of what the course entails" "Click next to continue" "Thank you for taking this course" and so on. Ideal for L&D.
Health & Safety Vocal Pack - Including phrases like "Please evacuate the building" "Please proceed carefully" "Warning!" "This vehicle is reversing" and many more.
User Interface Vocal Pack - Including phrases like "Access granted" "Please enter your password" "Set reminder" "You have a new message" and many more.
Options, Letters and Numbers Vocal Pack - Including ... well errm... "One" "Two" ... But seriously, it combines all the audio you need to count up to 999 billion; all the letters in the alphabet and plenty of option-related audio.
Pleasantries, Praise & Superlatives Vocal Pack - Including "Hello" "Great to see you again!" "Well done" "You're really improving!" "Awesome!" and many more.
And maybe in the future...
Video, Advertising & Explainers - Including phrases like "Call us now on the number below" "Take a look at our website for more information" "We'd love to hear from you" "Why not drop us a line" and much more.
Character Collection Vocal Pack - A mammoth folder full of plenty of my trusty character voices. You need a few pirate catch phrases? A boxing ring announcer intro? Some beastly growls, grunts and fight noises? This will be the download for you.
So, you may work with me regularly and need some extra audio clips to bolster your audio library to dip into as and when or some prompts to add to an LMS course... perhaps my new free stock audio voice over page will come in handy! It's here: https://www.roskolewisbritishvoiceover.co.uk/free-download-stock-audio-voiceover
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